What is TradePI?

Tradeplace TradePI is a superset out of APPLiA PI standard that also supports product groups beyond the white goods area.

TradePI Definition

Manage and create new properties meaningful to Tradeplace, manufacturer, retailer and its users, independent of other standards. Enrich and expand the established APPLiA PI standard. When possible, define properties for future incorporation into the APPLiA PI definition

TradePI Versioning

Major and minor releases​

  • Major version – Any new or changes to existing properties which break compliance for previous versions. A new major version is added to the previous major version for export.​
  • Minor version – Any new or changes to existing properties which retain compliance for previous versions.
  • The latest minor version always replaces the previous minor versions. I.e. v3.01 replaces v3.00, now only v3.01 is available for export.


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